8 Apr 2008

Hours thats worth

Finally after 2 months at sea, I get to take shore leave at lumut. Unfortunately, something happened that day that reduced the number of hours I have to spend for shore leave. The BGC office decided to come on board with the new on-signers to hold a survey. They said it’ll only be for an hour. So I believed. Next thing I know, it took almost 2 fucking hours. Longer than planned and it wasn’t half finish. Luckily one of the guys who are going for shore leave as well asked them if we could go. I didn’t want to say anything since the MD (Managing Director was around). To be honest, I was already ticked and there’s no way I could hide it as I was having my shore leave interrupted. Most of the guys knew just by looking at my expression. I was really ticked off. Ready to blow and cause unnecessary trouble. Enough about that..

30 minutes later, there was I, back in Brunei (Although for just a few hours). My dad picked me up at the gate. He was about to leave me as he waited for more than 2 hours (can’t blame him). So we zoomed off home.

Back home, I get to see my whole family and my grandparents again. I was really shocked when I went to my grandparent’s room. My granddad cried the moment he saw in the room. He was happy to see me again. So I sat down beside him. Telling him that everything is ok. A lot went through my mind that moment but I won’t go there. After hugging and talking to my mom, played guitar heroes on the new RED PS2, we went off to the mall to buy some stuff to bring back to the ship.

Something ridiculously stupid happened at the mall, it was after I was deciding on what game on wanted to buy for my Xbox. I told my mom that didn’t have any money with me so I had to go to the ATM machine.

*at the ATM Machine*

*inserted my ATM card, entered PIN, and asked for Balance Enquiry*



Me: “??!!!!....Wait..Wasn’t that the correct PIN?!!*

*enter PIN again *



Grabs head and shouts, “HOLY SHIT!!!!......I FORGOT MY FUCKING PIN CODE!!!”

So I sort of panicked and went back to EGM,

Me: ” Errr...Bu, I forgot my PIN”

Adi: “ahahahaha...dude, what the fuck man?? How the hell did you forget?”

Babu: “ Astah, Jadi cemana tah tu?”

Me: “Errr..I tried twice”

Adi: “shit...you know what’ll happen the third time right??”

Me: “ I know!!!! DX”

Babu: “So what you’re gona do mi?”

*After a short quiet moment*

Me: “ I will try 1 last time. I think I got it (it was actually another wild guess). I’ll take the risk”

Adi: “ Yeah, Kalau nda mau.. Just tell the bank about it ja”

Me: “Yeah”

*went back and tried again*



Me: * YYYYESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahah!!!

Well, something like that. It was great. After buying my stuff, we went back home. I played GOD HAND on the PS2 with my bro. Half an hour later, I was in the car with my dad, on the way back to Lumut. I felt stupid and mean, not talking to my dad. So I started a conversation with him about fishing. I was playing on going fishing with him and my bro at sea when I come back from the ship. It felt better that way.

This all (some things were missing) happened from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. That’s how long I got to spend with my family. I have to say... Babu, Adi and Ajim..my family...They’re actually the best of the best of friends that I actually have :’) I will always miss them. Cheers

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