13 May 2009


didn't really expect this to happen..not again. but owh well. I guess if you never change, you will always repeat your mistakes over and over again. I deserved it and I lost it. heh. As strong as i have already become, there are still the darkest side of me that is yet strong enough to overcome me again. I'm sorry that this part of me has poisoned and had a horrid effect on some people's lives. I am sorry. I guess for now, I have to stop this heart of mine and contain the thoughts or feelings I have or will have in the future.

For as long this side of me still exist, I have to be on my own for now. Just do what I have to do. and carry on with my life as I always do. But I'm sure one day, I will be free once again. Free from the darkest side of me that continues to haunt me day and night, and wreck people's lives.

I will, and I believe I can.

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