18 Jun 2011


The main reason why I have not been able to be with a Bruneian Girlfriend, is because majority just can't handle the distance. I'm not trying to be some Stereotype, but met so many girls that has given me the same reaction about having a guy who will spend of his time away. I find it sad but true. I don't see why is so hard to accept the fact that some guys just gotta do what he gotta do to earn some money for a living, especially to provide for a family. Yes, it can get lonely. But remember that you'll both will be suffering and need to stay strong to be together. Sigh. Owh well. I guess its cause I havent met the right Bruneian that time.

So here I am now, with a girlfriend who lives thousands of miles away in UK, and we've been together for about 7 months now and I am still going. I'm not being unappreciative cause I'm not. I'm happy to have someone like her. Similar taste in anime, model collection, drawing and some good music. We're not all the same but hey its fine with me. She doesnt sulk and lets me enjoy my time with my friends, and thats 1 of the traits that I wanted in a girlfriend. Sure, being different in other ways makes it difficult for us but we're still holding up strong. I hope we'll keep this on for as long as we can, and work together to hold this unique of a relationship.

I love her to bit :)

7 Jun 2011

Ongoing Insomniac

Its already past 5am in Brunei, and I still can't sleep. This has been on going for about a week already.

Every time I close my eyes as I lay in bed, I start think about things. Of course, things that are important. I continue to worry about the result of my final assignment. Its been almost 2 months and still no word from the lecturer. Time is short for me. I really need to get this job. I MUST GET IT.

Sure, it sounds cool to have a long holiday. But how can I enjoy it since I'm broke? I'm been reliant on people treating me out, and as much as it is good, I'm not really a big fan of being treated, especially if its too often. Thats the least of my worries. The family needs money ASAP. I've got responsibilities and I can't fulfill them by just sitting my ass right in front of the laptop and play games or just stick on the net. Just like what I am doing right now.


Believe me. I've been pestering the lecturer right after I submitted the assignment. and I kept sending emails 2-3 times a week. Reminding him. Checking on progress on marking of the assignment. If there is still nothing by tomorrow, I'll send an email then. Cause he told me that I would be expecting my results EARLY this week if not Late last week.

For as long as I still don't get an answer, I won't be able to get myself to sleep properly. And it really is affecting my health. I'm getting muscle pains, head aches, dizziness, and out of balance even. I just need an ANSWER right now so I know what actions I need to take next if required. Regardless how moderate I believe my work was, I sure hope that I pass it.

Amin Ya Allah. Amin